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If anyone would like these pictures larger send me an email at
This was my 365 Day project for 2010:
The project makes you take a single picture everyday to summarize that day. The point is to make me try new creative things and to provide a photographic journal for the year.
I unlike Brittany Rudman did not succeed. I gave up posting them about October if I remember. A lot of it had to do with losing my camera, then the charger, and then having nothing to take a picture of. I gave up on it. What i'm doing instead this year is making a revision to it.
Here is My 365 Day project for 2011:
I will still be taking pictures for a photographic journal and posting them for everyone to see with a quick explanation. BUT, like I said above there will be a few revisions.
- I will not be taking a picture for every single day. This proved to be very difficult when nothing was happening and certain events would not allow me to
- I may post several for a day. I wanted to do this last year and did for a couple of occasions but I hope to do this more often now.
Check out last year's photos at:
The image is supposed to be interesting as well descriptive of the day |
Some may seem to have little meaning to you. This may be true but to me it'll hold that meaning. In this case just enjoy the picture :-) |
PLEASE: If I ask you to be in a picture but you don't want to be in it, just bear with me for the picture. Don't be a Johnny Raincloud and ruin the picture. Let me know if you wouldn't like to be in another and I'll avoid it if possible.
- I love receiving feedback and would like to hear just which you like and dislike.
- I am open for suggestions but keep in mind this is supposed to be my creative journal so let me take care of the creative part after the helpful idea :-)